As you all may know we are releasing Marshmallow Quantarium tomorrow. We have some very important changes to the release size that you all might want to read – We are still releasing bottles and draft of Marshmallow Quantarium but the batch size is SMALL. There was more loss than anticipated and in addition our online sale exceeded the allocations we put in place. However, we are also releasing the remaining Scotch barrel aged Chernyy Medved and (OG) Quantarium bottles at 12pm tomorrow. ON TOP OF THAT, we are also releasing the FINAL KEGS of Barrel Aged Axiom & Barrel Aged First Flight at 12pm with the addition of growlers of our NEW “Knock Ya Down Brown – Scotch Barrel Aged Brown Ale” starting at 2pm!! Because of these circumstances we were left with just enough beer to fulfill the orders and barely enough to create a small release.
**The limit is ONE barrel aged bottle per person – We have less than 20 bottles of each beer and only a 5 gallon keg of Marshmallow Quantarium (roughly 100 x 6oz pours) so PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY **
#CandySours: Post tomorrow with some great news concerning your chance to get your hands on some Candy Sours on Sunday!!