Important Candy Sours Release Update | 8/31/16

A Letter from the Owner:
To our Valiant fans,
For those who may not know me, my name is Brian Schroepfer and I am the owner and head brewer here at Valiant Brewing Co. I have important news regarding the latest release of our Candy Sour Series beers, Silly Straw Sour and Watermelon Patch Sour.
We have received notifications that bottles of these two beers, specifically Watermelon Patch, are rupturing. Upon a detailed investigation, we have found that the main souring agent is still active in the packaged product, allowing additional CO2 production inside the bottle and leading to a possible rupture of the package.
Our primary concern is for everyone’s safety. Therefore we strongly encourage our customers to immediately store these bottles in a cold environment, below 40degF. The beer can still be enjoyed but it should be kept at the lower temperatures. Please keep in mind that there may be some over carbonation and the flavors will not represent what we intended the beer to be.
I am extremely sorry for having our valued supporters experience this situation. This is something that no brewery wants to happen. We do stand behind “Be Valiant” and feel it is important to be up front with everyone. We will not give up in creating and perfecting this truly remarkable, refreshing and exciting new style of beer.
Going forward, we are changing our process for crafting this beer and incorporating additional QC policies. This will help ensure that the final product will remain as it was intended. The measures that we are going to be taking because of this one event are extreme but this step will only better us across the line with all of our products.
It is true to say that to Be Valiant, one must step outside of the comfort zone and give it all that we have. We can attest that this is what we are doing with these Candy Sour Beers. The amount of time, research, test batching, processes formulation for this one beer far exceeds anything we have ever produced. It is extremely complicated and time consuming to craft this beer however the end result does speak for itself.
If you have beer this beer, please contact us via email at, subject line “Candy Sour Series” and leave us your name, the amount of product you have unopened, if you had a bottle rupture, and a way to contact you. We will follow up with additional information for our customers to either replace their product or issue a credit towards future purchases.
We thank all of you for your continued support. We are confident we are going to iron out the issues with this beer. Valiant Brewing Co. looks forward to moving onward from this moment.
Important Release Information: We have decided to postpone the release of our next Candy Sour beer, Orange Slice Sour, until we know that our next release will be to our specifications. We will provide an update to everyone once we have a better understanding for the timing of a completely new batch of beer.
Brian Schroepfer